Thursday, August 20, 2015

New Infographic Shows Finance Trends Throughout The Year

AdWords Agency Blog
New Infographic Shows Finance Trends Throughout The Year
As tax season hits crunch time, we all have money on our minds. But it’s not just in April that consumers are thinking of ways to spend and save—it’s all year-round. 

From January to December, people are constantly thinking about their bank accounts, credit cards, mortgages, and 401Ks. And increasingly, they’re using smartphones to search for relevant information; mobile searches for those topics are growing 48% YoY.
On Think with Google, our finance calendar shows what they’re looking for throughout the year. Marketers can use this calendar to stay ahead of the trends, reaching consumers when they need help the most.

So what financial products and topics are consumers searching for now? And what will they search for months from now? Here are a few seasonal highlights to keep in mind:
In July, searches for travel rewards peak. As consumers try to plan affordable summer getaways, they check if their credit cards can help out.In August, searches for college financing peak. As back-to-school season begins, parents and students try to figure out how to pay for a college education.In January, searches for 401Ks and savings products peak. A new year means a new approach to savings, as consumers aim to secure a bright future.
Find out more key moments when money matters in our finance calendar infographic on Think with Google.